Providing Practical Professional Development for Today’s Student-Centered Schools

Why Student-Centered Learning? Why Now?

The needs of our educational system are changing drastically, as are world demands a knowledge-base and skill set consisting of far more than just regurgitation and passivity. Our schools, built on a “factory model”, have operated in much the same way for over a century. But educators are recognizing that we must prepare students differently for the world they will enter, and that learning as we once knew it will never look the same.

Student-centeredm, personalized, and competency-based learning models are at the heart of this new way of learning, as it provides opportunities for students that have never existed before in our schools. In these systems, learning is a true measure of what a student knows and is able to do and teachers work collaboratively in an environment that is both personalized and student-centered. In this model, educators affect change and leverage opportunities for students to have choice and voice in their learning in ways that have never been possible before, but clearly push back against the traditional structures that may constrict these opportunities for student agency.